Privacy & cookies

How does this site use cookies?

This site uses cookies for two purposes:

  • To track your ‘session state’. This session cookie contains no personal data and expires when you leave our site.

  • To gather statistical data about how our visitors find and use our website. This allows us to improve the performance of the website. The information we collect is anonymous, it cannot be used to identify you personally.

This site uses two services for statistical data gathering – Squarespace native analytics and Google Analytics.

Squarespace Analytics & Cookies

This website runs on Squarespace technology. Squarespace analytics has its own permanent cookie that is used to recognise the same user/browser combination accessing the site over time. Squarespace has other cookies that are used to monitor session state. You can find more details on the exact cookies that this Squarespace website uses in this article:

Google Analytics & Cookies

This website uses Google Analytics to collect information about the use of our website. We use the information we get from Google Analytics to analyze traffic, improve our marketing, advertising, and to improve our website. Google Analytics does not store any of your personal information. It only uses the IP address assigned to you on the date you visit our website. Google Analytics installs a permanent cookie on your web browser to identify you as a return visitor the next time you visit this website. The cookie isn’t used by anyone other than Google.
For more information on how Google collects and processes your data, visit

You can prevent Google Analytics from using your information by opting out at this link:

Can I control or delete cookies?

All recent versions of popular browsers (such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox) allow you to control cookies. You can set your browser to accept or reject all, or certain cookies. You might, for example, be happy to accept a cookie that allows you to log in to a website, but prefer to reject any which are used to build a profile of your internet usage. You can also set your browser to prompt you each time a cookie is offered. For more information, you may wish to visit which contains comprehensive information on how to do this on a wide variety of browsers. You will also find details on how to delete cookies from your computer as well as more general information about cookies. For information on how to do this on the browser of your mobile phone you will need to refer to your handset manual. Please note that if you restrict or delete cookies used by this website then it may not function as intended.

How the personal data gathered from forms on this site gets used?

Contact form

Enquiries sent via the contact form are sent to Ewan Crallan Ceramics as emails for the purpose of responding to your query. These email addresses are not added to mailing lists.

Newsletter subscriptions

If you subscribe to my newsletter your details will be sent to our Squarespace newsletter account. A confirmation email (sometimes called a double opt in email) will be sent to you. You will only be added to our newsletter mailing list if you perform the double opt in. If you do not perform the double opt in your details cannot be used by us and they will, after a few weeks, be removed from the Squarespace ‘awaiting confirmation’ area. If you opt in your details will be added to our newsletter mailing list you will receive occasional communications from Ewan Crallan Ceramics related to my products. Each email you receive will contain a link that offers you the option to unsubscribe from the mailing list.

Data Controller Information

Any communications related to the personal data Ewan Crallan Ceramics holds about you should be sent to:
The Data Controller,